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Written by Peter Martinez
April 04, 2014 04:33 |
ABC News anchor and correspondent Dan Harris appeared on Thursday night's edition of "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central. Harris' interview with Stephen Colbert focused on his New York Times bestselling book titled, "10% Happier: How I Tamed The Voice In My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works -- A True Story" You can watch the full video below: Dan Harris had the chance to coach Colbert on meditation techniques.
There were jokes about "super powers" and the pros & cons on meditating. Dan Harris got through the interview keeping up with Colbert's pokes of fun during the taping Thursday night. 
Dan Harris reports for ABC News and also anchors "NIGHTLINE" and "Good Morning America" weekend. 
For more information about "10% Happier," click here.
Last Updated on April 04, 2014 05:06 |